Influencer Oli London explains why he detransitioned back to male, blasts 'hypocritical' haters
Fox News
YouTuber Oli London shocked his fans on Friday after revealing he was no longer a transgender woman, after living as one the last six months. Following his revelation, he received intense scrutiny and backlash.
"I am no longer trans and have gone back to living as a man," he shared on Twitter. "Grateful if everyone could respect my new pronouns- He/Him KOR/EAN. Thank you." I am no longer trans and have gone back to living as a manMy full explanation:https://t.co/WK0LGT6aRv Grateful if everyone could respect my new pronouns- He/Him KOR/EAN. Thank you 🙏🏻 #olilondon pic.twitter.com/whdOEms0KD Will Mendelson is an entertainment editor for Fox News Digital.
"Six months ago I had facial feminization surgeries, 11 in one day," he exclusively told Fox News Digital. A post shared by Oli London (@londonoli)
"I changed my bone structure. I got hair extensions, changed wardrobes, started wearing makeup, had my hair removed. I did it because I thought it would make me happy. I felt happy at the time but over a period of reflection, I felt I was chasing happiness. Being a woman is not for me."