Indian forces analyse impact of Ukraine crisis on defence projects, supplies
India Today
The three forces have held meetings on the impact and special attention is being paid towards getting spares and other necessary equipment for keeping the current fleet running.
Amid the ongoing Russia-Ukraine crisis, the three Indian defence forces are carrying out an analysis of its impact on the Indian armed forces’ ongoing military hardware programmes with them.
Defence officials said all the three services have held meetings to discuss the impact on their existing weapon systems and modernisation programmes in the current scenario as the majority of the offensive elements, especially the Army and Air Force, are of Russian origin.
The three forces have held meetings on the impact and special attention is being paid towards getting spares and other necessary equipment for keeping the current fleet running, the officials said.
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In October 2018, India signed a $5 billion deal with Russia to buy five squadrons of the S-400 air defence missile systems, despite a warning from the Trump administration that going ahead with the contract may invite US sanctions. The IAF fleet includes one squadron that has already been supplied while the other four are expected in the next two years.
The entire Su-30 fleet is also dependent on the Russian spares for which India would be making a big effort towards spare indigenisation and bulk acquisition from related countries.
Major Indian acquisitions in the pipeline with Russia include the four warships of the Teg-class, followed by four squadrons of the S-400 air defence missile, an Akula class submarine and 33 fighter aircraft.