India Is No.1 Food Supplier To Arab Nations After 15 Years
Despite remaining competitive "from the farm gate in," Brazil lost ground to India and other exporters such as Turkey, the United States, France and Argentina amid a disruption of traditional shipping routes.
India surpassed Brazil in food exports to the League of Arab States for the first time in 15 years as the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted trade flows in 2020, according to data provided by the Arab-Brazil Chamber of Commerce to Reuters on Tuesday.
The Arab world is among Brazil's most important trade partners, but its distance from those markets took its toll as the pandemic rattled global logistics.
Brazil accounted for 8.15% of the total agribusiness products imported by the 22 League members last year, whereas India captured 8.25% of that trade, ending Brazil's 15-year advantage, the data showed.
Despite remaining competitive "from the farm gate in," Brazil lost ground to India and other exporters such as Turkey, the United States, France and Argentina amid a disruption of traditional shipping routes.