'Incredible act of kindness': Woman's final goodbye with father captured on video at Winnipeg airport
One woman is expressing her deepest gratitude to the Winnipeg Richardson International Airport after the staff helped her retrieve the security footage of her final moments with her father.
One woman is expressing her deepest gratitude to the Winnipeg Richardson International Airport after the staff helped her retrieve the security footage of her final moments with her father.
“I think it’s a beautiful reminder that there are really good people in this world and the kindness of strangers can go so far for someone,” said Megan Cyr, who is from St. Andrews, Man., but currently lives in Calgary, Alta.
“It means more now than it did when I first got it.”
The story dates back to Dec. 28, 2020, when Megan was set to leave Manitoba and return to Calgary.
However, she misread her departure time, thinking it was at 7 p.m. instead of 7 a.m., causing her to miss her flight at the Winnipeg airport.
Megan rebooked her flight to return to Calgary the next day, which gave her an extra evening to spend with her father Curtis Cyr.
The next morning, Curtis drove her to the airport.