Increased loneliness, isolation are side effects of inflation for seniors, expert says
Azim Jeraj cancelled his gym membership earlier this year.
The 69-year-old resident of Sherwood Park, Alta., says he could no longer justify the monthly fees in the face of the rising cost of groceries, utilities and prescription medications.
"I joined a seniors' cycling group instead. I go cycling with them twice a week, and that doesn't cost any money," Jeraj said. "You find things like that to do. You constantly look for things that don't cost a lot of money."
Like every other age demographic right now, Canadian seniors are being forced to make tough choices, cutting out frills and nice-to-haves in the face of near 40-year-high inflation rates.
But older adults also face a unique, less-talked-about challenge — the increased social isolation that experts say often occurs as a result of high inflation.
According to Statistics Canada, 27.9 per cent of Canadian seniors in 2017-18 lived alone, compared with 14 per cent of the general population.
Doctors know that maintaining relationships and staying socially active play an important role in mental and physical health for this age group. Social isolation in seniors has been linked to increased emotional distress and prevalence of depression, increased number of falls and use of health and support services, and even premature death.
But going out costs money, even if it's just to meet friends for coffee, to drive to a faith service, or to take the bus to a fitness class.
"People don't think of social isolation as being tied to inflationary costs. What we immediately think of is people won't be able to buy food, afford housing, take their medications," said Laura Tamblyn Watts, CEO of CanAge, a national seniors' advocacy organization. "But you have to be connected in some way, and connection costs."
Many Canadian seniors live on fixed pensions or depend on government benefits such as the Canada Pension Plan, which — with its once-a-year adjustment each January for inflation — hasn't caught up with recent dizzying increases in the cost of living.
Older adults are also worried about their investment portfolios, as inflation weighs on the stock market. And for those who have been banking on the equity in their home to support their retirement, rising interest rates and their affect on the housing market are a real concern.
"A lot of the seniors we're seeing are in this crunch — their investments or pension hasn't gone up, their government benefits may eventually go up but right now they're waiting in limbo, and prices for everything have gone up," said Larry Mathieson, chief executive of the Kerby Centre, a non-profit that offers programs and services to seniors in Calgary and Medicine Hat. "It's a huge issue."
For Dorothy Bagan, who lives alone in the house she owns in Calgary, the crunch is already being felt. She's cancelled her cellphone and cut back on cable TV, and keeps to a carefully curated list when grocery shopping.
She also doesn't own a car, and though she's an avid public transit user and community volunteer, her social life has narrowed.