In Pics: This Is How Bengaluru Celebrated Zero Shadow Day
At 12:17 pm on Tuesday, Bengaluru saw the phenomenon known as "Zero Shadow Day." This celestial event occurs when sun's position is directly overhead.
Bengaluru, the city known as the Silicon Valley of India, witnessed a rare celestial phenomenon called "Zero Shadow Day" on April 25th, which took place at 12:17 p.m. when there was no shadow from sunlight. Scenes from @azimpremjiuniv on Zero Shadow Day. @arjun_jayadev@_an_i_sh_@kripadotgpic.twitter.com/DvTK80BPVd Photo clicked at exactly 12:17 pm. Shadow clearly visible. 😐#ZeroShadowDaypic.twitter.com/oCkBt1Pr3u all vertical objects in the city were shadowless at 12:17 pm! It occurs twice a year when the sun 🌞 is exactly overhead #zeroshadowday#Bengalurupic.twitter.com/Q6BhxPSdha
"Zero Shadow Day" occurs when the sun doesn't throw a shadow on a vertical object. Several local citizens and students witnessed this moment in open places.
Locals from Bengaluru posted photos taken on "Zero Shadow Day" to social media.