In Haryana, Bhupinder Hooda Launches 'Har Ghar Congress' Campaign
Former Haryana chief minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda on Monday launched the 'Ghar-Ghar Congress, Har Ghar Congress' campaign from Jind district to spread awareness about the party's "pro-people" policies while exposing the "failures" of the BJP-led government in the state. आज जींद से घर-घर कांग्रेस, हर घर कांग्रेस अभियान का आगाज किया।इस अभियान के तहत हम कांग्रेस की नीतियों व संकल्पों को और BJP-JJP सरकार की नाकामियों को हरियाणा के जन-जन तक पहुचायेंगे। pic.twitter.com/EJew1c1hla
He said since the BJP-led government has completed almost 10 years in Haryana, "now is the time to compare its performance and achievements with that of the previous Congress dispensation".
"By comparing the performance of the two governments, people will find that debt has increased five times, inflation four times, unemployment three times and crime has increased two times, during the BJP and BJP-JJP governments," Mr Hooda alleged.