Illinois gubernatorial candidate: Chicago has become a 'corrupt war zone' because of failed leadership
Fox News
GOP Illinois gubernatorial hopeful says he's pained by Chicago's violent crime wave.
JESSE SULLIVAN: Blood on the streets of Chicago every single day. Look, I've lived and worked in some of the most dangerous corrupt violent cities across the world. From Port-au-Prince, Haiti, to Helmand, Afghanistan, and it pains me that this home that I love so much, Illinois, and this great city of Chicago, it's now become a corrupt war zone. Why? Because our political leaders have failed us. They want to separate this out into blue lives vs black lives. It's not only wrong-headed, it's dangerous, because the truth is 95% of all of those violent deaths that have happened, the victims are of minority communities, our Black and Brown brothers and sisters. I listen to those gunshots happen on the streets of Chicago and it brought me right back to Helmand, Afghanistan, and it's wrong and our political leaders need to step up and quit prioritizing criminals and putting them before victims and police.