ICYMI: Here's Indira Gandhi's Letter To JRD Tata
In the letter, dated July 5, 1973, Indira Gandhi thanked JRD Tata - or "Jeh", as she addressed him - for a gift of perfumes.
A copy of a letter written by former prime minister Indira Gandhi to industrialist JRD Tata has surfaced on Twitter, thanks to RPG Group Chairman Harsh Goenka. Mr Goenka shared a photo the letter on the microblogging platform earlier this week, describing the exchange as "sheer class". A very personal letter exchange between a powerful Prime Minister and a giant industrialist. Sheer class ! #Tatapic.twitter.com/RqDKEcSsBf As was her press conferences. Sitting on a stool with a cushion on it. As a very young woman I travelled with her in Lucknow, in an open jeep, simple Tussar silk Saree, naturally rosy cheeks and so warm, held me lightly so I wouldn't fall. pic.twitter.com/Y6jiDJ7RVi JRD Tata was a prolific writer of letters, often in his own hand. He corresponded regularly with his family, colleagues, associates and to contemporary leaders like Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi, among others. pic.twitter.com/JZKmbQnbFt JRD had once remarked: Many times I tried to raise the issue of controlling population with her but she used to show her disinterest by starting to open envelopes or glancing thru her mails. That used to be her signal to me to shut up or change topic In the letter, dated July 5, 1973, Indira Gandhi thanked JRD Tata - or "Jeh", as she addressed him - for a gift of perfumes. "I am thrilled with the perfumes. Thank you so much," she wrote, adding: "I don't normally use perfume and am so cut off from the 'chic' world that I do not even know these, but will certainly experiment with them." "Please do not hesitate to write or to come see me when you want to convey any views - favourable or critical," the former prime minister further wrote. She concluded her note with good wishes to Mr Tata and his wife, Thelma Vicaji Tata.More Related News