ICSI CS Exam 2021 admit card out @ icsi.edu: Here's how to download
India Today
The ICAI CS examination will be held on August 13 and August 14. Here is the step-by-step guide to download the ICSI CS Exam 2021 admit cards.
ICSI CS Exam 2021: The Institute of Company Secretaries of India, ICAI has released the admit cards of the CS Foundation June 2021 examination. All the candidates can download the ICSI CS Exam 2021 admit card from the official website, the link for which is icsi.edu. As per the schedule, the ICAI CS examination will be held on August 13 and August 14 at various test centres across the country. The exam timings displayed on hall tickets are in a 12 hour format. The ICAI CS foundation programme examination will be conducted through remote proctoring mode. Candidates are allowed to appear for the examination via a laptop/ desktop from home/such other convenient place. Candidates shall not be allowed to appear via a smartphone (mobile)/ tablet 0r iPad etc.More Related News