Ice-ice-olation: P.E.I. mom makes isolation 'telegrams' to get Islanders giggling
A P.E.I. family is in their third isolation period since December, and their "highly social" mom has turned to social media and making videos to get a few laughs out of their situation.
"They kind of just happen," Lisa Carmody Doiron said about making the videos. "I write them in like 10 seconds and I post them.
"There's so much going on right now that's so hard to process, and really sad … so I really am enjoying and appreciating the joy factor in this."
Carmody Doiron said she and her husband have a music background, and they're either making music or "making fun of everything" with music. One thing she's done before is make video "telegrams" — usually around Christmastime — to send to her work friends, using popular holiday songs but changing the lyrics to make them more relatable to P.E.I.'s latest COVID situation.
Her most recent telegram is called Ice-ice-olation, a play on Vanilla Ice's Ice Ice Baby.
"Stop. Isolate and listen. COVID's back with a brand new invention. Delta, grabbed a hold of us tightly. Now it's the Omicron daily and nightly," she sings in her latest video.
"To the extreme I rock a triple vaccine, I wash my hands with surgeon-level hygiene."
Friends and family have been sharing Carmody Doiron's videos, and she said the comments have been positive.
"A few of them are 'Thanks for the laughs,' or 'We're in isolation too and I really needed a pick me up,' that kind of vibe," she said.
"It's sort of an unexpected outcome, I think. I make them just for ridiculousness and I need creative outlet. To know that the add-on is that some people are finding some happiness in it, it kind of fills me up too."
Her husband and one of her sons are "in heaven" in isolation, making bread and having fun at home. But Carmody Doiron said she and her other son, the "highly social" ones in the family, need to get creative and make videos like this. The whole family, though, gets a big kick out of it.
"They're silly with me, they're all silly with me. The whole family is a bunch of silly heads," she said.
Hopefully, she said, they're in their last isolation period, so she's unsure how many more she'll make. But one thing she does hope for is that P.E.I. Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Heather Morrison sees her latest one and gets a laugh.
"I'd like to be the person to make her belly laugh, I'd like to see that happen," she said.