'I think we're going to save many lives': Alberta firefighters return from training mission in Ukraine
A group of local firefighters has just returned from providing training to first responders in Ukraine.
A group of local firefighters has just returned from providing training to first responders in Ukraine.
The trip was organized and paid for by Firefighter Aid Ukraine (FFAU), a not-for-profit organization that has been providing training and equipment to Ukrainian first responders since 2014.
"When we got to Ukraine and just to realize that all the folks that live there, in this hardest for them time ever, they haven’t lost their heart," said Anatoli Morgotch, firefighter and FFAU translator.
During the 12-day trip they taught their Ukrainian counterparts about skills and equipment that aren't taught in that country.
"Some of this medical equipment that we’ve sent out they have never seen, have never done so they needed more education on how to properly use it."
The group practiced their training program on Ukrainians in Edmonton before the trip to make sure nothing was lost in translation, and Margotch said the practice really paid off.
"We didn’t want to lose anything in the meaning by just translating words so many times. During the course we would stop and we’d have a discussion with our students as to how to properly, proper terminology of the skills that we’re doing or the systems that we’re working with."