I serve kids on the South Side of Chicago. This is my message about the American Dream
Fox News
When you tell a child, even the most disadvantaged, that you believe in him or her and their ability to rise however high they wish, their eyes light up.
Sometimes I wonder if I am the fool here, to pursue good faith in a world seemingly drowning in bad faith. Pastor Corey Brooks, known as the "Rooftop Pastor," is the founder and Senior Pastor of New Beginnings Church of Chicago and the CEO of Project H.O.O.D. (Helping Others Obtain Destiny), the church's local mission. He gained national attention for his 94-day and 343-day rooftop vigils to transform the notorious "O-Block," once known as Chicago's most dangerous block, into #OpportunityBlock. Learn more at ProjectHOOD.org.
Yet sometimes I wonder if I am the fool here, to pursue good faith in a world seemingly drowning in bad faith. I recently read a series of polls that marked profound disparities between Generation Z (ages 18-26) and Baby Boomers (ages 59-77). I shouldn’t be surprised, since we’ve known for decades that the younger generations have been drifting away from the values that are the bedrock of America.