'I'm stuck': Regina mom seeking help to get daughter to Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto
A Regina mom is raising money to get her daughter the care she needs in Toronto.
She never expected she’d be a medical mom, but for the last year and half, it’s been her reality.
"I'm talking days where I stay up and I'm watching my girl to make sure that she makes it through the night,” said Jas Hicks.
When her daughter Scarlett was just 14 months old, she suffered her first seizure and stroke. Now at two and half, she is dealing with a list of medical conditions.
"She has generalized epilepsy and she also just got diagnosed with autism and she has global developmental delays," she said.
Hicks recalled one of the hardest days so far for her as a medical mom. Watching Scarlett go through 90 seizures in one day at the Ronald McDonald House in Saskatoon.
"Seeing your child hurt in a way that you can't kiss it better, you can't hold them. All you can do is tell them that it's going to be okay when you really have no idea if it's going to be okay,” she explained.
The family has been unsuccessful at finding answers to Scarlett’s condition close to home. Medical professionals in Saskatchewan are unable to help the family further. They are now expanding their efforts to Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto.