‘I Could Feel Their Pain’: A Juror on the Chauvin Trial Speaks Out
The New York Times
She was known as Juror 96 and sat through three weeks of testimony, but Lisa Christensen didn’t get to decide Derek Chauvin’s fate. She was selected as an alternate.
MINNEAPOLIS — Hearing the prosecution’s medical experts, one after the next, testify that a lack of oxygen killed George Floyd was already enough to convince Lisa Christensen that Derek Chauvin was guilty of murder. Then the defense witnesses took to the stand — and they only solidified her confidence in the prosecution’s case. When one of them, Barry Brodd, a police expert, suggested that someone could rest comfortably in the prone position, face down on the pavement, he lost her, Ms. Christensen said. Then came the defense’s medical expert, Dr. David Fowler, Maryland’s former chief medical examiner. She did not buy his explanation that a combination of drugs, pre-existing medical conditions and even carbon monoxide were to blame for Mr. Floyd’s death.More Related News