How to manage mindless snacking from your pandemic home office
Working from home, and having easy access to the refrigerator, may pose challenges when it comes to maintaining healthy eating habits. Here are some tips to minimize unnecessary snacking.
Some of us may enjoy more home-cooked meals and not having to walk too far for a snack, but working close to the refrigerator poses a challenge to maintaining healthy eating habits. Rest assured, there are ways to minimize mindless snacking and filling up on empty calories, even when you can't socially distance from your kitchen cabinet.
After years of nutrition counselling, I see that that my clients' judgment about their eating is a big predictor of future behaviours. If you berate yourself for overeating, it can cause you to go down a spiral of feeling bad, which can lead to more emotional eating. On the flip side, being gentle with yourself can help you establish a healthier mindset when it comes to indulgences, and this can allow for a more balanced lifestyle.
I have found that incorporating mindful strategies around eating — which aren't about judgment — can be very helpful for those struggling with "unconscious" eating. Below are some practical tips that can help you minimize unnecessary snacking and get the most enjoyment from food.
Before grabbing that cookie or bag of chips, stop and ask yourself, "Do I really want this now?" or "Am I craving this food because I'm hungry or because I'm bored or stressed?" Think it through — If you do want a snack, go for it. But if your answer is no, you've stopped yourself from excessive nibbling. The idea is to make the choice to eat a conscious decision.