How To Curb Food Waste When You Have ADHD
For people with ADHD, traditional suggestions on how to waste less food tend to backfire. Here are expert-backed strategies that may jive better with your brain.
When you’re on a mission to waste less food, there’s a special twinge of guilt that strikes when another well-intentioned bulk buy expires or the bunch of kale you swore you’d whip into a salad is now a glob of slime at the back of your crisper drawer.
For most, the go-to pointers available on how to curb food waste — planning your meals in advance, sticking to your shopping list, repurposing leftovers — are usually enough to get the job done. But for people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), relying on the standard how-tos can, paradoxically, lead to an uptick in food waste.