How rich is Donald Trump really?
Earlier this week, Donald Trump sent The New York Times an email. In it, he claimed that he was very rich -- pointing to a "June 30, 2014 Statement of Financial Condition" that said he was worth $5.8 billion in the year before he started running for president.
But, as the Times noted, when Trump declared his candidacy in 2015, he said that a "Summary of Net Worth as of June 30, 2014" put his total wealth at $8.7 billion. A month after that, Trump's campaign put out another statement on his wealth. It read, in part:
"Real estate values in New York City, San Francisco, Miami and many other places where he owns property have gone up considerably during this period of time. His debt is a very small percentage of value, and at very low interest rates. As of this date, Mr. Trump's net worth is in excess of TEN BILLION DOLLARS."