How our military can deter foreign conflicts and win future wars
Fox News
To start deterring or winning wars, the military must first understand how its adversaries think and fight, close vulnerabilities, and have a adaptable plan and a clear definition of victory.
Rebekah Koffler is a strategic military intelligence analyst and a freelance editorial writer. She is the author of Putin’s Playbook; Regnery 2021, and the host of a podcast "Censored But Not Silenced." Rebekah also is the Author of American Bolsheviks: The Persecution of Donald Trump and the Sovietization of America; Post Hill Press, November 12, 2024. Twitter: @rebekah0132
But how can America win three simultaneous wars if it has struggled to win one single war in a quarter of a century? Think Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Libya. No decisive meaningful military victory has been achieved by U.S. forces in these conflicts, despite the fact that it has faced much smaller opponents who lack advanced weaponry and some don’t even have a regular army. That is despite the fact that, tactically, our military is the best war-fighting force in military history.