House GOP votes to reverse internal ban on earmarks
Washington — House Republicans voted Wednesday morning to reverse an internal ban on earmarks, which allow lawmakers to direct funding in spending legislation to pet projects, according to a Republican familiar with the vote. The Democratic majority in the House and Senate have moved forward to reinstate earmarks, now renamed "community project funding."
The GOP resolution, which was adopted by a secret-ballot vote, was written to say that members may not request earmarks unless several criteria are met, including the public disclosure and justification for the request. Members and their immediate family cannot have a financial interest in the request, and it must comply with any guidance issued by Republican committee chairs or ranking members. These criteria align with those laid out by House Appropriations Committee Chair Rosa DeLauro, who announced the House would move to reinstate earmarks in late February. While many in the GOP conference still oppose the use of earmarks, Republicans recognized they would cede important control over how federal dollars are spent if they let Democrats direct spending without their input.
Robert Morris, founding pastor of Gateway Church, a megachurch in Southlake, Texas, has been indicted on five counts of lewd or indecent acts with a child, stemming from alleged incidents dating back to the 1980s, the Oklahoma attorney general's office announced Wednesday. We are aware of the actions being taken by the legal authorities in Oklahoma and are grateful for the work of the justice system in holding abusers accountable for their actions. We continue to pray for Cindy Clemishire and her family, for the members and staff of Gateway Church, and for all of those impacted by this terrible situation.