Horizon Health Network asks people to stop requesting falsified vaccination records from staff
Global News
According to RCMP, falsifying vaccination records is a criminal offence and anyone who tries to use or traffics in forged documents could face criminal charges.
New Brunswick’s largest health network wants people to stop asking staff to break the law.
Horizon Health Network says people are approaching employees to falsify COVID-19 vaccination records and now there are calls for the province to move quickly on bringing in a secure records system.
“It is clearly breaking the law if you were to do that and I surmise that nobody at Horizon has falsified any records,” said Peter Ford, who owns Ford’s Apothecary in Moncton.
Horizon Health’s VP community, Jean Daigle, released a statement on Tuesday saying, “Horizon was made aware of a handful of incidents where members of the public were requesting our health care staff to — in essence — commit fraud on their behalf. We need the public to be fully aware this will not be tolerated and any such incidents will be reported.”
According to RCMP, falsifying vaccination records is a criminal offence and anyone who tries to use or traffics in forged documents could face criminal charges.
“Any person creating a false vaccination record or medical exemption is undermining efforts to keep people safe,” said Coreen Enos, a representative for the N.B. Department of Justice and Public Safety.
Falsifying a vaccination record is a “serious issue,” said Enos, and any instances should be reported to the police or helpaide@gnb.ca
“Under the NB Public Health Act it is an offence for a person to make a false statement, either orally or in writing, with respect to proof of vaccination against COVID-19, medical exemption or travel,” said Enos.