Honour killing: Casteism not annihilated even after 75 years of independence, says SC
The Hindu
The apex court, which delivered its verdict on a batch of pleas in a 1991 Uttar Pradesh honour killing case, said it had earlier issued several directions to authorities to take strong measures to prevent honour killings.
Incidents of caste-motivated violence show that casteism has not been annihilated even after 75 years of independence and it is high time civil society reacts and responds with "strong disapproval" about the ghastly crimes committed in the name of caste, the Supreme Court has said.
The apex court, which delivered its verdict on a batch of pleas in a 1991 Uttar Pradesh honour killing case, in which three persons, including a woman were killed, said it had earlier issued several directions to authorities to take strong measures to prevent honour killings.
Chennai has two categories of Black kites: a larger group heading to the city from the western parts of India during the south west monsoon and heading back when the monsoon is past; and another group, smaller and resident, which would make minor movements in and around Chennai looking for an optimal atmosphere for nesting and raising the young. A couple of pylons in Perumbakkam suggest that Black kites have found an ideal nesting space there
This is part of the Karnataka Namakarana Suvarna Mahotsava celebrations organised to mark the naming of the State as ‘Karnataka’ during the tenure of the late D. Devaraj Urs. The statue, sculpted at an approximate cost of ₹21.24 crore, is 41-foot-tall including the pedestal and weighs around 31.5 tonnes.