Homelessness in Quebec up 44 per cent since 2018
The number of people experiencing homelessness in Quebec has increased by 44 per cent compared to 2018, according to a report from the Quebec National Institute of Public Health commissioned by the Ministry of Health and Social Services.
The number of people experiencing homelessness in Quebec has increased by 44 per cent compared to 2018, according to a report from Quebec's public health institute (INSPQ) commissioned by the Ministry of Health and Social Services.
“The comparison between the exercises conducted on April 24, 2018, and October 11, 2022, estimated that the magnitude of the increase in visible homelessness was 44%,” the report states.
It also states that homelessness has increased in all regions of Quebec but in different proportions.
Over 60 per cent of people experiencing homelessness live in Montreal.
The report points to the shortage of affordable housing and COVID-19 to explain the increase in homelessness.
The methodology has also improved compared to 2018. The Abitibi-Temiscamingue and Cote-Nord regions, as well as the municipalities of Gatineau, Trois-Rivieres, Drummondville and Saint-Jerome, have since been added to the survey.
Homelessness affects Indigenous people more strongly, particularly in Montreal and the Abitibi-Temiscamingue and Cote-Nord regions.