Historic Civic Hospital fundraising campaign surpasses halfway point
A year since its launch, the Campaign to Create Tomorrow—the largest fundraising initiative in our city’s history to build the new Civic Campus of the Ottawa Hospital—has raised more than half of its $500 million goal.
A year since its launch, the Campaign to Create Tomorrow—the largest fundraising initiative in our city’s history to build the new Civic Campus of the Ottawa Hospital—has raised more than half of its $500 million goal.
“I’m thrilled to announce that as of today we’re at $268 million,” said Campaign Chair, Roger Greenberg.
Donors, Greenberg said, have been more generous than ever, showing fervent support for a new campus, leading-edge research and life-sciences park.
“I would say the majority of people, including my own family, have given multiples of their normal giving. They realize what this will bring to the community in terms of its impact on healthcare,” he said.
It was shortly after the First World War when Ottawa’s former mayor, Harold Fisher, had a progressive vision for the future of medicine in the capital.
With the world in the grip of a global influenza pandemic, Fisher pushed for the construction of the Ottawa Civic Hospital, opening the doors to a century of incomparable healthcare in the city.
Today, however, Fisher’s once state-of-the-art facility is challenged to meet the needs of future generations.