Hispanics rejecting Democratic Party for GOP over concerns about economy, crime and family values
Fox News
Fox News Digital spoke with a number of Democratic and Republican leaders about the shift in Hispanic voters towards the GOP, as economy, crime become key election issues
Included in the poll was one statistic that showed Hispanics who identify as conservative favoring Democrats by nine percentage points in 2012, but favoring Republicans by a massive 56% in 2022. The poll also noted that the economy and cost of living were among the top issues for Hispanic voters. Crime was not one of the top issues identified in the poll, but has been a major concern in other surveys. Brandon Gillespie is an associate editor at Fox News. Follow him on Twitter at @brandon_cg.
Fox News Digital spoke to a number of leaders from both parties to get their perspective on the shift, surfacing conflicting views surrounding the change that ranged from Democrats denying that any shift was taking place to celebration among Republicans for making gains with the group.