"Highest Stakes" In Repatriating Displaced People From Myanmar, Says India
The Envoy voiced concern that the international community has been unable to help resolve the repatriation of displaced persons from the Rakhine State in an expeditious manner.
India has one of the "highest stakes" in resolving the issue of repatriation of displaced persons from the Rakhine State of Myanmar since it is the only country sharing a long border with Bangladesh and Myanmar, Envoy to United Nation TS Tirumurti said.
Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations Ambassador TS Tirumurti told the UN General Assembly High-Level Side Event 'Rohingya Crisis: Imperatives for a Sustainable Solution' that India commends the Government of Bangladesh for hosting a million displaced people in its territory.
He voiced concern that the international community has been unable to help resolve the repatriation of displaced persons from the Rakhine State in an expeditious manner.
"It is important for us to recognise and understand the humanitarian burden that Bangladesh continues to bear and support the efforts it has undertaken to ensure the well-being of the displaced persons," TS Tirumurti said.