Heroes hidden in plain sight: signs mark homes of fallen WWII soldiers near Montreal
It can be hard for the Canadians of 2021 to really picture soldiers' sacrifice, but what if you knew they lived right on your street and yearned to return? A Montreal doctor is making sure these heroes' old homes are marked.
The book's blue hardcover shows its age, but that’s also what’s special about it -- its age.
The pages are filled with pencil marks, and the name “Frank B. Croke” is scribbled on the side. The entries are records, Frank Croke's logs, of his training exercises during World War Two: air tests, flying times and rounds fired.
Dr. Robert Drummond got the book as a gift from a patient about a decade ago. But then the doctor discovered that the onetime owner, Croke, had lived just a few blocks away from him in Montreal West.
The discovery sparked an interest that’s turned into a labour of love.