Here's how 'code-switching' can hurt Black, Indigenous people in Canada
In a dominant white culture some Black, Indigenous and racialized people are 'code-switching' which could harm their mental health, one expert says.
In a dominantly white culture, racialized people in Canada may "codeswitch", Selam Debs, an antiracism coach said.
Code-switching refers to a person changing their behaviour, expression or appearance Debs told CTV's Your Morning on Monday, explaining the reasons for doing so can include safety, job opportunities or quality service.
"Black, Indigenous and racialized folks are often considered 'the other' when it comes to accents," she said. "So we might change the way that we speak, recognizing that it is in relationship with trying to fit into what is considered professional."
Other examples of code-switching include changing hairstyle for a job opportunity, not wearing traditional clothing, or having to consciously avoid being stereotyped.
Black youth feeling they can’t wear certain fashions, due to safety concerns are they types of subtle switches that can weigh on a person, Debs said, which can cause further stress.
"When you are constantly putting yourself in a pretzel, it can lead to anxiety, it can lead to a sense of havoc, feeling impostor syndrome, feeling like you have to work twice as hard, but receive twice as less," she said.
Stopping that pattern requires safe spaces for people to be themselves, and that requires everyone’s consideration, Debs says.