Heating oil drops to lowest price in 19 months
The price of heating oil on P.E.I. fell again Friday morning, down to its lowest prince since September of 2021.
It was the regular weekly price review from the Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission. Gas and diesel prices were also lowered.
Heating oil and diesel prices have been on a steep downward trend since early February. At that time, the maximum price for heating oil was $1.79 and the minimum price for diesel was $2.31.
The price of gas has not been so volatile this year, but it did see a jump in price starting at the end of last month. It rose from $1.55 to $1.74. It has been down in each of the last two weeks.
The next scheduled price review from IRAC is May 5.

Health Minister Adriana LaGrange is alleging the former CEO of Alberta Health Services was unwilling and unable to implement the government's plan to break up the health authority, became "infatuated" with her internal investigation into private surgical contracts and made "incendiary and inaccurate allegations about political intrigue and impropriety" before she was fired in January.