Heart transplant: Man gets genetically altered pig's heart in first-of-its-kind procedure
Fox News
The world’s first pig heart transplant, at University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore, is a potential game-changer for transplant medicine
David Bennett Sr., who was so sick that he couldn’t even qualify for a human heart transplant, still remained connected to a heart-lung bypass machine as of Monday, but the critical 48-hour, post-procedure period went without incident as doctors continue to monitor him for signs and symptoms of rejection as well as a rare infection from a pig virus that can infect humans.
"People die all the time on the waiting list, waiting for organs. If we could use genetically engineered pig organs they'd never have to wait, they could basically get an organ as they needed it," said Dr. Christine Lau, chair of the department of surgery at the University of Maryland School of Medicine.