'He was the best': Fans remember Rider legend George Reed at celebration of life
On Friday, classic green and white jerseys filled the room at the International Trade Centre, as Rider nation gathered to celebrate Reed’s life.
This week, tributes and the stories of the late Rider legend George Reed have been heard across Saskatchewan.
On Friday, classic green and white jerseys filled the room at the International Trade Centre, as Rider nation gathered to celebrate Reed’s life.
At the service, Rider fans thought back to what they remember about the football great.
“He was the best,” said life-long Rider fan Kim Watt. “I remember from the 20 yard line, my dad and I used to cheer that he could smell the goal line from here and it was gold.”
Two young Rider fans revelled in the greatness of being able to meet Reed.
“The chiefs scored a touchdown and I threw my toque on the ground, and George was like, ‘Woah, you okay there, son?’ one boy said.
“He was obviously really good at football, there’s a reason he got a statue,” another young fan said.