HBCUs receive 178 times less foundation funding than Ivy League schools, study finds
Historically Black colleges and universities receive 178 times less funding than Ivy League schools, according to a study released on Tuesday. The study, which was conducted by the philanthropic research groups Candid and ABFE, found that in 2019, the eight Ivy League schools received $5.5 billion from the 1,000 largest U.S. foundations, while the 99 American HBCUs only received $45 million.
"Despite the achievements of HBCUs, philanthropy funds these higher education institutions at significantly lower rates than comparable [Predominately White institutions]. This leaves HBCUs with less than adequate funding to support their operations, educational programs, infrastructure, and endowments," said Susan Taylor Batten, president and CEO of ABFE.
One of the study's key findings was that large U.S. foundations steadily decreased support of HBCUs between 2002 and 2019, awarding $65 million to HBCUs in 2002 compared to $20 million less given in 2019. HBCUs also received fewer grant dollars reserved for research in comparison to Ivy League schools and other comparable institutions.