Have your Christmas tree taken away to help Children’s Foundation Guelph Wellington
Global News
Residents in Guelph, Puslinch and Rockwood can have their tree hauled away after the holidays. It will be chipped and repurposed for things like walking trails.
We are still a week away from Christmas but an organization in Guelph is ready to haul your Christmas tree away.
Children’s Foundation Guelph Wellington is once again having its Trees for Tots program.
It is the 12th year of the program, which sees Christmas trees picked up from homes after the holidays for a minimum $15 donation. The trees are then collected and put through a wood chipper. They are then repurposed for various community projects, like walking trails and creek restoration.
The money raised will go to support the Children’s Foundation program to further its mission to build brighter futures for local children and youth.
“Together, we are planting the seeds of compassion and community impact, while creating a legacy of environmental stewardship,” Karyn Kirkwood, executive director of the Children’s Foundation, said in a statement. “Every dollar raised makes a tangible difference in the well-being of kids in our community.”
The Trees for Tots program is available to residents in Guelph, Puslinch and Rockwood.
Those who want to take advantage of this program should register by Tuesday, Jan. 9, 2024 at treesfortots.ca or by calling 519-826-9551 ext. 125.