Hannity warns McAuliffe after rally: 'Everything Joe Biden touches implodes'
Fox News
Fox News host Sean Hannity offered advice on Tuesday to longtime Clinton confidant Terence McAuliffe, running for a second nonconsecutive term as Virginia governor against Falls Church businessman Glenn Youngkin.
"I hate to break it to you, Terry, everything Joe Biden touches implodes," the "Hannity" host said.
"Afghanistan could have been prevented, it imploded – the border; imploded-- His handling of COVID-19; more dead Americans in 2021 than in 2020," he said, adding that Biden's attempts to improve the economy have instead ushered in a Jimmy Carter-style malaise of inflation, high gas prices and job shortages.
Hannity said McAuliffe's invitation to Biden only a short time after the candidate lamented Biden's sagging poll numbers to Virginia activists in turn "seems like a last-minute Hail Mary pass between two deeply unlikeable and dishonest career political hacks who have dedicated their lives to the swamp of Washington, D.C."