Halifax officially launches Cogswell project at 10:30 a.m.
The Cogswell District project is being officially launched Tuesday morning, with more details on what the municipality is calling the biggest city-building project in the history of Halifax.
Mayor Mike Savage will discuss the project's next steps as the municipality prepares for construction to begin in 2022.
The announcement will take place at the north end of Granville Mall at 10:30 a.m., and the livestream will be carried in this story.
The project will see a new neighbourhood built where the Cogswell Interchange now stands, designed to connect downtown with the North End and waterfront, "creating a stronger, more inclusive network of communities," according to a release.
The price tag has also gone up, and is poised to cost $27.4 million more than expected.
A September staff report from the city recommends Halifax council award the tender for the Cogswell work to Dexter Construction.
While the firm's bid of $95.7 million was the lowest of two received, the report said the higher-than-anticipated construction cost will push the total budget of the project to about $122.6 million.
The increase "is primarily due to the influence of inflation and higher construction costs since the time of the original project estimate," according to the report.