Haleem has many takers in Thiruvananthapuram during the run-up to Ramzan
The Hindu
Haleem in THiruvananthapuram
For many in the city, Haleem is a delicacy that makes a grand appearance during the run-up to Ramzan. Not commonly available in Thiruvananthapuram, it was initially popularised by home cooks and a few eateries about five to six years ago.
Sheeba La Fleur was one of the first among home chefs to start making haleem during the season. A seasoned cook with a wide following, she makes it at home and it is available on alternate days only. Haleem will be available on Saturday. (Contact 9995288457 )
“It is a laborious process and unless it is done well with good ingredients, the flavours will not be released,” says Sheeba.
The meat, usually mutton, is slow cooked with spices and wheat and vigorously mashed to get the right consistency and to blend all the ingredients. Then it is garnished with fried onion, coriander leaves, green chillies and lemon wedges. The taste of the haleem depends a great deal on the region it is made and so a lot of local ingredients can also go into the haleem.
For the last five years, Shahina Safi has been cooking haleem during this time of the year. She serves both chicken and meat haleem on Sunday and it has to be pre-ordered (Contact: 7012847606).
Madison Street, a restaurant, is another place where haleem is available. However, it has to picked up from their outlet at Kulathoor or ordered via delivery apps as the outlet is shifting from its present location. Haleem is available till 10pm. (Contact 9645229991)
Hilton Garden Inn is another place to feast on haleem. It is served separately and also as a combo with vegetable samosa, cut fruits etc.

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