Had Loans To Pay, No Bank Balance Or Credit: Sharad Kelkar On Financial Struggle
"They don't know the backstory," said the actor
TV star Sharad Kelkar, in a recent podcast with Maniesh Paul, opened up about his financial struggles and said that people "don't know the backstory" and that he had to struggle big time in the industry, especially in monetary terms. He told Maniesh Paul, "People consider the work and it may be good or bad. But nobody notices the struggle. You came from Delhi, right? I came from Gwalior. People think we both have Mercedes, we dress well and come with our hair groomed well. They don't know the backstory." He added during the podcast, "In my life, I was out of credit cards also. There has been a time like that as well. I had no bank balance. There were so many liabilities. I have to pay off a loan and my credit card has also run dry." A snippet from the podcast was shared by the actor on his Instagram handle:More Related News