Guelph and Waterloo Region facilities to see more long-term care beds, minister says
Global News
Stan Cho announced that the province is committed to improving access to long-term care homes. A total of 349 new beds will be built in the three communities.
Three long-term care facilities in Guelph and Waterloo Region will see more beds for senior care.
Work is underway at Elliott Long Term Care Residence in Guelph, Fairview Mennonite Homes in Cambridge, and peopleCare A.R. Goudie in Kitchener that will add a total of 349 new beds to these facilities.
Minister of Long-Term Care Stan Cho visited the three sites on Friday to announce his government’s commitment to improving access to long-term care.
“It marks a significant milestone,” said Cho when met with residents and staff at Elliott, his last of his three stops on the day.
“You took care of us, our seniors. Our moral obligation is to take care of you.”
The breakdown of the new beds will see an additional 29 at Elliott, 128 at peopleCare A.R. Goudie, and Fairview will have another 192. Each facility is receiving funding through a combination of a one-time grant and a construction funding subsidy over a 25-year period. Elliott is eligible to receive up to $10.2 million, Fairview $44.6 million, and $52.9 million for peopleCare A.R. Goudie.
“I was really impressed with the minister’s comments about our moral duty to seniors,” said Guelph Cllr. Dominique O’Rourke, who spoke on behalf of Mayor Cam Guthrie and Committee Chair Cathy Downer.
“To have him here, to underscore the commitment to long-term care in the province, is critically important.”