GSEB SSC Exam 2022: Admit Cards released, know other details here
India Today
GSEB SSC Exam 2022: The Gujarat Board has released the admit cards for the Class 10 board examination for the current academic year 2022.
GSEB SSC Exam 2022: The exam conducting body, Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (GSHSEB) has released the admit cards for GSHSEB SSC or Class 10 board exam 2022. Schools can download their admit cards from the official website, i.e., gseb.org on or before the exam date to avoid the last-minute rush.
Students must note that they will have to collect the GSEB Class 10 hall ticket from their respective schools. Only the school administrators/ principals will have access to downloading the Gujarat Board admit cards from the official website.
Direct link to download admit cards
As per the official notification, the GSHSEB Class 10 board exams will begin on March 29, 2022. Students are advised to carry the GSEB SSC exam 2022 admit card to the examination centre. Without this, no one would be allowed to appear for exams.
Visit the official website - gseb.org.
Click on the 'SSC EXAM HALL TICKET MARCH 2022' link
Enter your school index number