GSEB HSC Result 2021: Gujarat Board class 12 science result declared at gseb.org, easy way to check scores
Zee News
The schools will have to use their index numbers and passwords to access and download the results. While 70.97 percent of boys have passed the pass percentage of girls is at an all-time high of 100 percent.
New Delhi: The Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (GSHSEB) has declared the Class 12 science stream result 2021. However, the students must note that they will have to wait for the school to share the scorecards with them. The schools will have to use their index numbers and passwords to access and download the results. Schools will then have to share the scorecards with students. As many 1.40 lakh students of Science stream had registered for the board exams this year. According to a report in a leading news daily, as many as 76.29% of students who registered for the exam have passed it and the girls have outperformed boys this year. While 70.97 percent of boys have passed the pass percentage of girls is at an all-time high of 100 percent.More Related News