GSEB Exams 2021: Here's What Gujarat Board Said About Class 10, 12 Board Exams
A final decision on whether the GSEB Class 10 and Class 12 exams will be postponed further or will be conducted will be taken after May 15. The postponement was in response to the unanticipated surge in COVID-19 cases during the second wave of coronavirus pandemic.
The Gujarat government has postponed the Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (GSHSEB) Class 10 and Class 12 exams. A final decision on whether the GSEB Class 10 and Class 12 exams will be postponed further or will be conducted will be taken after May 15. The postponement was in response to the unanticipated surge in COVID-19 cases during the second wave of coronavirus pandemic. GSEB Class 10 and Class 12 exams were scheduled between May 10 and May 25. The board has already promoted the students of Classes 1 to 9 and Class 11 to their next higher classes without exams. The board has even released a slew of guidelines for mass promotion of students of Classes 9 and 11, according to which students will be promoted without exams. As per the GSEB mass promotion guidelines, the Class 9 and Class 11 mark sheets will mention “due to COVID-19, exams were not conducted”. While Class 11 Science students will be marked on the basis of internal assessment, periodical tests of 10 marks, notebook submission and subject enrichment activity of five marks each, the vocational and general stream students will be assessed on the basis of a term paper of 10 marks - five marks for the project and five marks review of one syllabus book from the library.More Related News