Grover Norquist believes progressives will turn on one another: 'It's made up of competing parasites'
Fox News
Grover Norquist, of Americans for Tax Reform, discusses the 'leave me alone' coalition which he argues makes the Republican Party work, focused around a libertarian ethic.
He views the Republican Party as increasingly comprised of single-issue voters. David Unsworth reports on Latin America. You can follow David Unsworth on Twitter @LatinAmerUpdate
"Leave my money alone, my property alone, my small business alone, my guns alone, my homeschooling alone, my parental rights alone! Leave me alone! That's what I vote on. I'm not asking for somebody else's money… I'm not asking you to send me cash or tell me I'm swell. I'm asking you to leave me alone on my vote-moving issue, and by the way, I've only got one vote-moving issue."
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