GREG GUTFELD: Woke lectures are 'masquerading' as ads
Fox News
Fox News host Greg Gutfeld weighs in on one company after another "messing with their core audience" with woke advertisements and how it impacts sales on "Gutfeld!"
Greg Gutfeld currently serves as host of Gutfeld! (weeknights, 11PM-12AM/ET) and co-host of cable news’ highest-rated program The Five (weekdays, 5-6PM/ET).
And now another company seems to be messing with their core audience. Here you have 81-year-old Martha Stewart on the cover of this year's Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue, and I'm just going to say it, that's not bad for 81.
TYRUS: No, sir.

DAVID MARCUS: Shocking report reveals need to drive stake through heart of Biden’s censorship regime
Columnist David Marcus writes that a new Media Research Center report highlighting just how bad censorship got under Biden proves that we need to implement laws that prevent it from ever coming back.