Greg Gutfeld: There's a huge contrast between what's true, and what's written
Fox News
You'd think an industry witnessing a collapse in their trust, might try to figure out why. Not the media. Because their profit model is always "pointing fingers," it's impossible for them to implicate themselves.
But only 21 percent of respondents said they had a great deal of confidence in newspapers. Which they get from reading Cathy. It was worst for TV news, at 16 percent. Which was only slightly less hated than Congress - at 12 percent. But that's like being told you're only slightly more popular than chlamydia. This, just after a Reuters survey showed the U.S. media ranked last among 46 countries when it comes to public trust. We even ranked behind Canada, and they don't even have electricity. So, you'd think an industry witnessing a collapse in their trust, might try to figure out why. Not the media. Because their profit model is always "pointing fingers," it's impossible for them to implicate themselves.More Related News