Greg Gutfeld: Our leaders botched the Afghanistan withdrawal, they were too busy destroying the US
Fox News
I'm not bashing the decision to leave. It’s how the atrocious exit negated so much sacrifice. This is truly a man-made disaster.
And it may get worse. Their idea of women's rights is letting her air out her burka once a year. However, we've been told by the press this is a kinder, gentler Taliban. So what’s that mean exactly? They only partially behead you? They only throw gays out of an eight-story window, not a twelve-story one. Did you see how one Taliban leader freed from Gitmo by then-president Obama, is back on the job - and I don't mean as a tenured professor. We held onto him, and then let him go. We probably fed him better than his fellow fighters. He’s the only terrorist in the group with type 2 diabetes.More Related News