GREG GUTFELD: Lori Lightfoot's loss is a lesson for everyone else in politics
Fox News
Fox News host Greg Gutfeld slams Lori Lightfoot following her loss in Chicago's mayoral election on 'Gutfeld!'
Greg Gutfeld currently serves as host of Gutfeld! (weeknights, 11PM-12AM/ET) and co-host of cable news’ highest-rated program The Five (weekdays, 5-6PM/ET).
But why is it news at all? It shouldn't be news when the worst mayor in the country loses. This should be expected. But it wasn't. Why is that? Well, it's because it's news that she lost despite having more protection than a Fort Knox full of condoms. Lightfoot was a historical first, of course. First Black female lesbian Chicago mayor. Perhaps also a garden gnome, a woodland nymph, a magical imp, a Ghost of Christmas Past, Medusa. But because of that, the media cut her more slack than a tailor on meth.