GREG GUTFELD: Democracy lives to fight another day
Fox News
Fox News host Greg Gutfeld reacts to reports Republicans are 'poised' to take the majority in the House of Representatives on "Gutfeld!"
Greg Gutfeld currently serves as host of FOX News Channel's (FNC) "Gutfeld!" (weekdays 11PM/ET) and co-host of "The Five" (weekdays 5PM/ET). He joined the network in 2007 as a contributor. He is the author of several books. His latest is "The Plus: Self-Help for People Who Hate Self-Help." Click here for more information on Greg Gutfeld.
It appears the red tsunami may be more like Gramps peeing with an enlarged prostate. A very weak stream. Yeah, you probably didn't need that part. The obvious hope was that this would be a blowout, but instead it was a mixed bag. But what's so ironic is that in states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York, where Democrats won, it's actually Democrats that are going to suffer the most. They voted for their own punishment. True, it sucks for me living in New York, but once the kids are all grown up, I am so out of here. Kids are what I call my quads, they're beautiful.
But maybe it was about abortion. The Supreme Court gave young liberal women the motivation for your typical middle class, college educated woman stuff like inflation and crime, that seems like other people's problems. Most people don't think they're going to get murdered until they are. But abortion, they always want that option open, even if you think that's murder too. Thank God fetuses can't vote. But step back and you'll see something obvious. Everyone got something that they wanted, and everyone left last night a little disappointed, that's democracy. And also how I describe a night hot-tubbing with Larry Kudlow. But there is good news for people who still crave a good balance of power. Because like every ex-wife, the Republicans are poised to take the House. Not by a huge margin, but face it, that's better than not taking the House. A win is still a win, blowout or no blowout.