GREG GUTFELD: Biden, Democrats blasted Trump's border policy as 'racist' and now they're adopting it
Fox News
Fox News host Greg Gutfeld on how the Trump immigration policy that Democrats called racist, cruel and unnecessary is now the Biden administration's new approach.
Greg Gutfeld currently serves as host of Gutfeld! (weeknights, 11PM-12AM/ET) and co-host of cable news’ highest-rated program The Five (weekdays, 5-6PM/ET).
They're right up there with the beetles, the insects. But Title 42 allowed us to deport migrants caught crossing the border and deny them asylum for public health reasons, as if letting millions of unvetted foreigners pour into your backyard isn't already a threat to your health. It is amazing the concern for their COVID status. That's what it was for. Not fentanyl poisonings or sex trafficking or gang shootings, but those who got booted didn't face any charges, so they just tried again. But now that policy ends and everyone's bracing for thousands more migrants.