Govt. plan to take over aided institutions hits rough weather
The Hindu
Managements move court alleging arm-twisting tactics
The government’s decision to take over the willing private aided schools and colleges, including minority institutions, has run into legal trouble with a large number of aided school managements challenging the decision in court.
In an order issued last month, the Principal Secretary, School Education, B. Rajasekhar said the State would take over aided schools, both managements and assets (movable and immovable) without paying any compensation through an irrevocable and unconditional registered deed, based on the willingness of the managements.
The government’s contention that despite extending the benefits of the majority of the government schemes to the aided institutions, the enrolments have been on the decline and that a few aided institutions were not in a position to run due to poor student strength and high operational costs, has been denied by members of the State Aided School Managements’ Association.