Goren Bridge: Nice choice
The Hindu
Experts Michael and Debbie Rosenberg navigate an aggressive five-heart bid to reach the best slam in bridge.
North-South in today’s deal were experts Michael and Debbie Rosenberg. They lived in New York for many years and moved to California some years ago.
East’s aggressive five-heart bid, at unfavorable vulnerability, created a lot of pressure. Debbie, South, passed it around to Michael, North, hoping he would know what to do. Michael chose to force to slam and made a good choice when he bid five no trump. This asked Debbie to pick the best slam. On her way to six spades, Debbie showed her four-card side suit and Michael let it play right there. This was a great choice, as an opening heart lead against six spades, forcing dummy to ruff, would have created a trump trick for East. The best slam had been reached, but it still had to be made.
Debbie ruffed the opening heart lead in dummy and cashed the ace and king of clubs. She left the last trump outstanding and led a diamond to her ace and then another diamond. That did the trick as West had no winning option. Should West play low and let East ruff, East would be endplayed and forced to lead a spade or yield a ruff-sluff. West chose to rise with his king, but he was also endplayed. West led a heart, but Debbie ruffed in dummy and then ruffed a diamond in hand. She drew the last trump, shedding a spade from dummy, and claimed the balance. Dummy was high! Well done!